Liliane works hard for her family and I see that. Also, I know she goes home and bring stuff home for her people. Plus, coming from a tribal people myself we automatically want to help our people. I think it is a calling you felt in your heart to pay it forward to your people so that someone can flourish and make a better life for themselves. Plus, it makes your heart feel good cause I know it makes my heart feel good to help also.
I love Liliane and I love how she is making a difference in her community.
The joy of helping others, being inspired to help people makes life worth living. Giving back is something that we should all do, it will make this world a better place. I'm proud to be part of MOUNA DREAMS family.
Well. It’s multifaceted....
First...it’s you...you’re a good woman with a good heart. You’re work for these children is admirable and I’m proud to support any efforts you are making for them.
Second...and I don’t share this with many people. I grew up in poverty. Nothing like what these babies are in but significant. Many choices Were made in my life not made because I wanted but because it was what was available/necessary/ my only option because I had no resources to do any better. I was blessed to have some kind people who reached out to me to help me get where I am today.
In this small way, I am paying it forward.
I believe that we need to inspire and support our next generation of children to keep the inspiration of learning and discovering of what they are capable of and maybe learn something new that they didn’t know they could do or didn’t have the resources to see what’s out there for them. I'm so blessed to be part of MOUNA DREAMS.
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